Welcome to Atlas Optimization

We sol­ve your pro­blems in the fields of optimi­zation and machi­ne lear­ning. With mathe­ma­ti­cal exper­ti­se and a focus on real-world appli­ca­ti­ons, we are a relia­ble part­ner for you — from imple­men­ting stan­dard methods to rese­arch projects.

Optimization + Machine learning

Do you need to opti­mi­ze sche­du­les, esti­ma­te fail­ure pro­ba­bi­li­ties, or train pre­dic­tion models? Decis­i­on-making under uncer­tain­ty is our spe­cial­ty. We are rea­di­ly available for you and look for­ward to a non-bin­ding conversation.

We offer con­sul­ting, soft­ware, and cour­ses for the mathe­ma­ti­cal mode­ling of real-world pro­blems. Our are­as of focus include:

  • Para­me­ter optimi­zation, sche­du­ling, task allo­ca­ti­on, trans­por­ta­ti­on pro­blems, expe­ri­men­tal design, topo­lo­gy optimization
  • Para­me­ter esti­ma­ti­on and regres­si­on, cor­re­la­ti­on ana­ly­sis, clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on, dimen­si­on reduc­tion, uncer­tain­ty estimation
  • Rein­force­ment lear­ning, Mar­kov decis­i­on pro­ces­ses, sys­tem sta­bi­liza­ti­on, sto­cha­stic and robust control


Modern mathe­ma­ti­cal optimi­zation is powerful and prac­ti­ce-ori­en­ted. It rou­ti­ne­ly sol­ves pro­blems with hundreds of thou­sands of decis­i­on varia­bles. Optimi­zation is used for opti­mal decis­i­on-making in pro­blems from A for actua­tor con­trol to Z for sche­du­ling. Below are a few of the­se appli­ca­ti­ons — click on the icons to learn more.